viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Am I concentrating?

Mercury is quick. No wonder they call it quicksilver.

The feature of our attention, also known as our Mercury, is quick, too. Sometimes it can outrun us!

Attention wavers, flickering back and forth, left and right, up and down. Without us noticing, it has travelled far, and back.

Keeping one's attention pinned down to a specific reality is truly something.


If all consciousness is, in fact, One, but we subdivide it according to its function, and thus obtain the subdivision superconscious-selfconscious-subconscious... is there a land between these modes?

If consciousness is a continuum and not a set of separate boxes, are there borderlands between our selfconscious and our subconscious minds? More importantly: are there places between our selfconscious and our superconscious minds?

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

When does matter become spirit?

Matter will disgregate when left to its own devices, maximum entropy and minimum enthalpy.

Molecules tend to move in different directions when this disintegration takes place.

When consciousness is brought into the equation, the movement vectors of the atoms align and point to one and the same direction.

Thus matter becomes progressively more spiritual, always depending on the level of the consciousness that aligned the atom vectors.

The ultimate aim of matter is to consciously become a part of the One Will.