Mother matter and Father pattern, substance and form, the path that unites you is wide and deep and full.
So wide, deep and full, that it mixes you, to the point that I may not be able to tell between you. What was first, egg or hen... creating things or things created?
The shapes and patterns and proportions of things are there: behind things, within things, under and over everything. Transparent and omnipresent lattices. But they would not be, they could not be, unless matter was also there, saying: "ok, so it is up till here, down till here, along till this point, and no further".
Who gives, and who receives? Does the shape bestow its gift, or does the substance? The joy of their union is such, their mutual commitment is so clear, that boundaries blur. The bliss of creation is all I can perceive.
As humans, let us partake in that bliss!